A typical day on board a tall ship consists of:
Wake up early for watch duty
Join friends in the mess for a hearty cooked breakfast
Happy hour! – clean the ship (but to music!)
Climb 100 feet high to the yards to set the sails
Admire the beautiful view and maybe spot dolphins on the bow
Join friends in the mess again for a feast of baguettes, meats and salad
Time to take the helm and steer the ship!
Off watch now, so relax with friends on the bow of the boat
Take in the sights and chat with new found friends on board
Start planning your tactics to win the next inter-watch challenge!
Watch the sunset over the horizon
Climb into bunk for a well earned rest before the next watch!
The ship’s day is divided into seven watches which are kept according to a rota:
0001 – 0400 Middle watch
0400 – 0800 Morning watch
0800 – 1200 Forenoon watch
1200 – 1600 Afternoon watch
1600 – 1800 First Dog watch
1800 – 2000 Second Dog watch
2000 – 2400 First watch
Superimposed on the watch keeping rota is a daily routine, similar to this:
0720 – 0840 Breakfast in two sittings
0850 – 0900 Chief officer’s briefing
0900 – 0950 ‘Happy hour’ (cleaning)
1000 – 1030 Practical training
1220 – 1330 Lunch in two sittings
1330 – 1530 Quiet time / maintenance
1600 – 1700 Practical training
1720 – 1840 Supper in two sittings